Monday, May 17, 2010

Well isn't this going nowhere

No action on the Calf Creek Sherman property, no action here on the El Paso house sale, no projects, most have quit riding Sat's, it's getting hot out, the roads are boring, went to Sierra Blanca for the 150th time last week, got the realtor's requests done by getting rid of the Nicky Nacks and some stuff on the walls. Packed up much stuff and put it in the shed.
Waiting and my lack of patience aren't agreeing.
It's been weeks since we went camping. So we went to Elephant Butte NM on Friday. Got a good site with a view of the lake. The lake is about 1/2 full, better than 2 years ago when it was down to 7%. Was cool enough in the morning to turn on the heat and by afternoon had the A/C on. Sat. I went for a ride on a road parallel to I-25 to Socorro NM. Actually I had not been on that road because we always take the Interstate going to ALBQ. Went by Basque del Apache national park. It's a wild life sanctuary used by ducks and geese in the fall and spring, but of course I was not there at the right time and the roads were dirt. These are not much fun on the Venture at 800#'s.
Sunday morning I drove out to Winston NM along side the Gila Mtns. The roads are curvy and fun. Great scenery. Temps and winds were just perfect.
Drove home Sunday afternoon. Linda said gas was cheap on Montana so we gassed up there. They were cheap alright... the only give ya about 85% of a gallon. The mileage computer said we burned 26 gallons and got charged 30! Will never go there again.
RV runs great. Still and probably will always be working on rattles and squeaks. We have an annoying noise that comes and goes at right at 55 mph that I like to travel at. OF COURSE....
I'm more relaxed, have more to do out RV'g, wine tastes a lot better, can't wait to move on.
Now how do they know what the Milky Way looks like when we are inside it and it is 100,000 light years across? Oh Ya, the Moon Sat. night was a waxing crescent and Venus was the brightest I've ever seen it and they were right next each other, Way Cool