Thursday, April 10, 2008

Must Be Spring

Wind, warm, wind, up to 62 mph yesterday, 56 today. Felt like the house was coming off the foundation. It was work just standing up outside. Dust, sand, pollen, and trash blowing. It took the cover off the pool. I drove the little bike 4 miles in a cross wind, leaning 20-30 degrees. What fun! We were the windiest spot in the US again. Had to block the garage door so it does get blown in. Only 4-6 more weeks, before it turns in the 100's.

Linda and I are going to Albq. on the 20th on the BMW. Pray it stays together. Sharon and Rich from IL are attending a bowling turnament. We're just going for overnight.

Linda had a house cleaning lady in today. Yaaa, house is clean.
Pic is Dorian Gray Nebula
Noticed of all the cities we live in, 4 of 6 had severe weather, Oh, the other 3 were in the north, snow coming Again?

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