Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ready for 2nd Outing

When we were out on our first camping trip we made a 2 page list of things to do and buy. It is done, plus many more. Linda's making curtains and I'm trying to make it more reliable long term. I've added gauges, new house battery, touching the paint up, and trying to get better MPG, only 14-15 now. Hoping for 13 pulling the bike.
We're going to Marfa to see the "lights". Also pulling the Venture on the trailer. Staying in THE ONLY RV park in Marfa (with low ratings). We will go for a ride thru the Davis and surrounding smaller hills or down to Big Bend. We will not go if it's raining like it did all day at Balmorhea.
More things should be working right like the charger not "PINGING" all night and the frig not vibrating the entire interior.
Pray for us. We are roughing it without TV, internet, radio, and a shower. Gee we might have to sponge bath, talk or read, novel idea ha?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Staying busy

Really helps get things done, if fact more than I had intended. Helps my attitude, keeps me out of Linda's way, makes the time pass even faster than I want.
So far I've done over 80 things to the RV. I'll start on one project, then notice something else needs attention or fixing, get side tracked but eventually get back to the beginning project. As you all know I hate things not working right. I'll spend money now, to get rid of an aggravation only to find out later I didn't need to do that.
Case in point, The on-board converter/charger to charge the house battery and run the 12 volt lights and frig was making a very noisy "PING". At O'Reilly's auto parts store I saw an ad for a $19 lawn and garden tractor battery. Linda had to help me get the over sized 60# deep cycle worn out old battery out of the nearly inaccessible recessed hole under the couch/bed. I traded this great big battery for one 1/3 it's size and 40#'s lighter. Installed it, turned on the charger and now the ping is gone... Bought a cooling fan and installed a switch to shut off the noise but there's no noise now.... OH WELL!! But I can control overcharging now. New battery has a voltmeter also to monitor it.
Bought a transmission cooler for <$20. This could save the tranny since we are going to pull a bike and trailer in the desert in the summer. Hoses and fittings could be more than the cooler...
Started painting the stripes that circle the van at 3 different elevations on the exterior. The gray one now looks so good it makes the surrounding red ones look bad, another project.... Some stripes are totally faded out.
At both RV parks this last weekend there were no parking lot lights, VERY dark. I installed a light bought at Camping World. The one I wanted was $5, but they were out of them, I bought an inside one for $6 rather than the $16 ones they had in stock (BS!). Siliconed all the connections.
Also last weekend when I went to connect up the water hose the female connector broke (20 yr. old plastic). Installed a METAL one! (now it will rust). Cut my fingers on a sharp point.
Linda says we can't stay at RV parks without Wi-Fi, B.S! I want to rough it with just water and electric... NO TV too. (remember it's summer, all reruns)
Last weekend for 2 hours (rained all day) we watched Mike Hammer and Bonanza reruns, commercial breaks were over 7 minutes each and now I know why I won't pay for cable. 60's shows are terrible by 2000's standards... Oh 2000's are better?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well, mixed feelings....

We took our first over-nighter in the RV.
We got 15 mpg, about what I expected without pulling a bike and trailer.
We are cramped for place. 4 sleeping overnight would be unbearable. Had 2 weird noises keeping me awake. 1st was a pinging coming from the 12v converter/charger. It overheats and a circuit breaker clicks ON-OFF loudly when there are no other noises. 2nd the refrigerator vibrates. The compressor makes the coils sing irritatingly. Found if a fan is blown over the converter it is quiet. But we had none with us, we have 2 now! Suck a wood block in the coils. Much quieter now.
Then we made a list of about 30 more things to buy and fix. Like convenience items, rattles, added and fixed switches, stuff to eliminate and add. Took out 15#'s so far, added 30#, oh well.
Then there was the rain ALL DAY. Got wet inside too. Plugging more holes. Got floor mat instead of rugs.
Both camp grounds were very dark. Want outside light. Too far to the bathrooms so the toilet got used. Bed sheets wrong, bought better ones.
Did not have enough room for 4 to sit on a ride. Found I could get passenger seat to swivel. Merry Miler had eliminated this great option.
Next trip will be better, engine/tranny ran good. Need to watch weather more, got weather radio in now!
More adventures to come....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cleaned, & fixed, ready to roll

Worked 7 days on the RV so far. Cleaned inside and out. Serviced the mechanical. Washed, waxed the exterior. Fixed many small things like handles loose, water leaks, PRNDL indicator, covered a major stain.
Eliminated wind catchers, checked underneath no leaks, water service works, gas stove works, refrigerator works. Swept the carpets and removed stains, Cleaned the glass inside and out.
Got the trailer ready for 1 bike. Made 2 foot ramps so I can balance better going up the main ramp. Fixed the lights on the RV and trailer. Looked for extra weight and eliminated. Benny's 900# Goldwing too large for the trailer.
Plugged holes. RTV'ed where it might leak rain in.
Just want to add a transmission cooler since we will be pulling the trailer and 1 or 2 bikes.
Next is our trial 1st camping expedition to Balmorhea State Park 180 miles from here. Large "COLD" natural springs swimming pool.
Got tools, cooking stuff and camping supplies ready to go. Made vehicle load levelers
Just need clothes and food, gas, hook up the trailer and put the red Suzuki 1100 on it.
The Venture stator (generator) went out last Thursday so we won't be taking it.
Wish us luck!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New to us RV

Bought a 1988 Dodge Van Conversion 17' RV. Was less than $4000 but we will have to put in another $1000-1500 to get it running like we want. Needs a water heater and shower, but we have several ideas already. The 1st owner took very good care of it. I gave it a tune up. New batteries will be needed because it sat so much. Only has 54k miles in 21 years! Needed 2 new rear tires that were rotten sitting too.
It has fuel injection, 4 speed automatic overdrive, 318 V-8. Got 14 mpg going 65 mph from Tori's. Last RV got only 7!
I bought a motorcycle trailer to pull behind it. It has a stove, frig, small toilet, and sink. The sofa makes into a bed. I took out the overhead bed for storage because there is no closets for clothing and junk. The PO's also put in several things we don't need I took out to save weight.
In 2 weeks we are going to Balmorea State Park. It will be our first camping expedition and initial shakedown cruise.
More after we go....
Planning several trips to New England, National Parks, east Texas, and weekday local getaways.