Friday, October 30, 2009

Back home to the barking, no view & cold

For 3 days we tried to out wait the bad weather but gave up on Thur. The consequences were a severe headwind (20-30 mph) all 370 miles on the last leg home. Top speed was 40-45 at times, twice in the 25 mph range climbing steep hills into the wind. 9 hours. And we paid for it with 6.5 mpg. At least 2/3 of the trip was into winds. Still ended up with 9.0 overall, so we could get average 10+ in moderate winds and temps. Better than to 6-7 mpg range I expected before leaving.
Linda has a better handle on where we went and did, see here blog. RV ran great, no major problems. Came back with a list of fixes needed. It was a rental and somethings were abused. All probably will be fixed before we go out on our next trip in Feb? Mildred's going in the hospital in early Dec and Linda has federal jury duty in Jan. Linda's also off the Israel and we have our yearly family reunion late Nov.
Was 84 in Brownsville yesterday, in 40's here. Was warmer in Madison and St. Paul than here too. 2' snow in Denver so I'm not bitching (much).
I enjoyed our trip. Wished there had been more to see in south Texas. The red tide prevented us from going to the sea shore. Coughing was bad, felt like a sore throat too. The roads were flat and straight. The wildlife in the preserves starts in Nov. thru April. The tourist season is the same time and RV parking is scarce. We now know where not to go. Texas is a dang big state. We drove 2140 miles never leaving to perimeter.
Looks like Florida or AZ is the winter spots. Summer is mountains or north USA.
The Venture really gets dirty in rains behind the RV. A problem needing a solution. I bought a cover but would just shred apart in the turbulence behind the RV.
Sincerely, your nomad friends (or family)
See Linda's photo album for more pics

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