Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tori House projects

She & I were very busy the first two days, Sat. and Sun. I also went back and spent another day Thur. on my return trip. We cut all the low branches and bushes all the way around the house, put in a new garage door opener, fixed the faucet in the spare bathroom tub, fixed the hole in this tubs wall, fixed leaks in both toilets, new batteries in the smoke detectors, chalked around the tub, finished the floor in the kitchen, cleaned under the refrigerator and coils, new filters on the air conditioner inside, I cleaned the outside A/C coils that were 75% plugged up, covered up her new sewer line the lawn mower person broke, sweped the back porch and driveway, fixed her glasses, put the molding up in her kitchen by the 4 x 8 paneling, fixed her drawer for her silverware so it rolled in instead of dropped down, adjusted several kitchen cabinet doors, changed out an outlet in the spare bedroom, put cover plates over exposed switches, cleaned the front gutters, patched the roof where the tree branches rubbed against the shingles, put
screening around the outside A/C coils to keep them cleaner, I caulked a long crack in the bricks, cleaned front windows, adjusted the garage door springs so the door weight was balanced so the new garage door opener would work. We painted the spare bathroom cabinet and walls where they were patched. The aluminum siding was rubbing on the garage door so I nailed it back on.
I did leave her projects to clean the screening on the A/C coils, change out the A/C filters with spares we bought yearly, caulk more bricks, showed her how to adjust the garage door opener.
Also she needs to buy lawn seeding that grows in the shade in the back yard. Also suggested she paint the neighbors fence posts a darker color. We bought paint the cover the kitchen counter tops. We still need to get rid of the old garage door opener and clean up the garage. We need to add an attic fan to reduce her A/C bill more.
She has 12-16" of insulation in the attic to reduce her heating and A/C bill now.
She needs tools for Christmas: open/box end wrenches, hack saw, better tree trimming saw, air compressor, channel locks, pliers, better screwdivers, prybars, more...

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