Sunday, March 30, 2008


With gas prices going up again... I've been checking gas mileage on all vehicles lately. Virago, BMW and Suzuki all got over 50 on their last tank full. Of course the 400 gets even better at 68. The car got 29.4 going to CA, but we lucked out and had a tail wind going both ways.

Been in the low 80's, 50's at night when we don't have a cold front with winds come through. Too warm too early in the year. May have to turn on your new MasterCool Evaporative Cooler sooner this year. No rain in weeks, the desert is very brown, typical for spring.

Last week Mom and I saw the Int'l Space Station, Endeavor and the European cargo ship, Jules Verne, supplies the ISS with cargo, last week. After dark, almost straight up and for only 10-15 seconds while the Sun was reflecting off them. Visible only with the naked eye because they are moving very fast up about 200 miles up. They were different colors and very close together. Time and location for you are on Satellite

We had a picnic with a few friends Sat. from the bike group, hoping for a better turnout, but 7 people did show up. At Album park. McKelligon Canyon is closed due to road construction.

Got 3 DVDs, 3:10 to Yuma was good until the end when the criminal turns himself in, Ya Right! The Martian Child was really good and watching Kingdom of Heaven in Blu-ray is very bloody.
Linda and I took the BMW, pic above, to Sierra Blanca Friday, it ran good but the radio, my fault, wouldn't again.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Man, I'm I good.

Sam Faraone brought his bike over for me to work on it. You know how much I hate doing that. It's the bike I liked so much I bought one just like it. They are exactly the same except mine is a little newer.

Monday it would not start. Checked the battery and it had low voltage even after being driven the day before. Found the wiring was wrong. Rewired the alternator/regulator circuit so the battery gets charged. Starts right up now.
Tuesday Linda and I went for a ride on both bikes. I was on Sam's. We drove to the credit union on Montana then up 54 and back to the house on Loop 375. I could hardly keep up with Linda. On the Loop it would only go 75. (Me Speed?). I didn't like much about it.

So I started to work on it. Both front hand levers are out too far to reach. Fixed that. The clutch was hard to pull, lubed the cable and pivots. The front brakes didn't work at all when he bought it and were still hard to pull. Found the cruise control bracket was in the way. Eliminated a unnecessary spring. Now they are almost too sensitive, 1 finger stops. Adjusted more levers to make it safer.

On to the carbs. Had to pull them out again. Real pain. But found they were not sych'ed, floats were uneven, needles too high, and loose bolts. I prayed they would be better after I got them in. BUT I put them in backwards and had to take them out again, I was....

Got it back together, it didn't start too good. Then ran better after a minute. Took it up the street and what a difference. It has 30 more hp. Went out on to the Loop and got it up to 95!

It's real fast now, maybe faster than mine. It's great, drove it out Montana today. At 80+mph the front tire vibrates so I think that's all it needs to be perfect. Sam you want to trade it for a slightly used 91 Suzuki 1100 with only 97,400 miles?
Now about those noisy mufflers!!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reason to ride...

One of the original EP Riders came back riding, Charlie Greenlee. We go back 20 years. We are the same age, worked at the same company and industry, like to tinker in our shops, can talk about anything, share many ideas, and generally just like each other. He is one of the safest riders, considerate, yet will keep up if we speed up in non-threatening roads. I missed him riding with us. Now he wants a different larger cruiser which means, YAAAAAA. That's him ----> No the one without hair.

Guys come and go, some only ride once, some once a year, when they can afford to, when that W word doesn't get in the way, when the honey do's are done, but most return because they love biking almost as much as I do. Most don't have 5 bikes, (OK 4 running), can work on them as much as I do, afford as many either, but it's really my 2ND love. YES DEAR, you do come first, (except on SAT's). Other reasons:

Bikes are fast, even my 400cc is faster than most cars. There's more freedom to wander around in the lane, there does not have to be purpose to how fast or where I go, time seems to move differently on a motorcycle, go over 100 mph and time is stopped, driving a car is boring, on a bike all 4 appendages must be used, the brain has to be thinking clearer, defensively and alert.

Balance, body position, & looking ahead are essential. Knowing a motorcycle is much more dangerous than a car makes it a challenge which many people also consider more fun.

I used to fly airplanes but I never felt safe nor a feeling of speed. Seeing the ground move just a few feet below the eyes in a streak is exhilarating. Only years of experience will keep us alive but also keep me coming back. I did a spreadsheet (my family gets a kick out of my 2-300!) I believe I can do this 14.9 more years and 156, 492 more miles.... on the 4 bikes.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring is here?

It maybe warm and dry, BUT the winds are here in full force. Gusts to 50 mph. The air is brown. The sky is and is not clear. This is El Paso's worst season. Checked a national weather map for winds and we were the only place blowing.

Linda is home. Thank you Lord. Was really boring here last week without her.

Got a new evaporative cooler last week. The rust was the only thing holding it together. It was 20 years old. Most last 10 years and some people who never service theirs get only 5.

Put a back rest on the BMW for the driver. I had Linda sit in the back but it was too confiding so I moved the trunk back 1" and the driver's seat forward 1" to give here more room. We need to take a short trip to see if there is anything else it needs, before we go on a longer trip.

Need to drain the pool soon and get ready for summer. It has been green since last June.
The pic is proof of Dark Matter (NASA). Couldn't prove it by me. And how do you see dark?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bike Rides

Weather permitting we go every Saturday with a group of 2-8 motorcycles. Everyone is in their late 50's to mid 60's. We have every make. Harleys, Honda's, Suzuki's, Yamaha's, Kawasaki's and BMW's. We have most every type too. Touring, Sport Touring, Cruisers, but no sport bikes right now.

About every Tue or Wed I check the weekend internet weather, watchful for winds and rain. If it maybe inclement we stay near the city. Sometimes we only go to breakfast in a car if it is really bad. The Spring can be the worst, with winds over 20 mph make it hard to ride safely. But 70-80% of the time we get out of the city.

Then we go as far as possible. The farthest with a group of 5 is Hillsboro in the Gila's. About 175 miles one way. A small group of 2-3 can make it to Silver City then east over the Gila's, is a 400 miles. Stops with larger groups takes longer and limits how far we can go. Also cold weather shortens rides too, under 50 degrees.

Most rides are 90 miles one way. That includes: Sierra Blanca, Columbus, Las Cruses, Dell City, Alamagordo. Sometimes further to Hatch, Deming, Guadalupes, Ruidoso and Van Horn.

Then very hot weather slows us down too, over 100 degrees. We start as soon as 7:30 am and try to be home by 2:00 pm. Later summer brings on the late afternoon thunderstorms. So using futurecast storm tracking helps us know which way to go.

I have wind speed and direction indicators. I try to go into the wind in the morning, so afternoon rides are going with the wind when we are more tired.

I usually lead the group out front. If someone I know needs more rest breaks and have several places we can stop. Even just sitting on a M/C can be tiring with wind, engine and road vibrations causing fatigue. Many times we have split up if someone is getting tired or has afternoon commitments.

The guys are very patient with slower riders, waiting at the next turn for everyone to catchup.
I live for our Sat. rides and have had parties from this group when the wives can come. (But they are welcome anytime) A few of us retirees ride during the week. New members are always welcome too.
Our Number One Rule is: It's OK to pass another member, but do it SAFELY! That's so we have fun and come home too.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Head Banger Replaced

Thanks to a very good friends, Ken and Kay Simmons, I have a new shed in the back yard. It is 6" narrower, but 3' longer and 3' higher. The door is 48" wide and 72" tall. Plenty wide to get a big bike in it. Or store 2-4 bikes. I has a wood floor and is more leak proof. Less dust and rain should get in. The old shed leaked rain in down-pours and everything was always dirty after dust-storms. It has a good lock and ramp. Thank you Ken and Kay. It is well appreciated.

But to get the shed, many of us lost great friends. They moved to San Antonio to be closer to family. Their daughter is a nurse. He was a consistent rider on our Thursday and Saturday bike rides. Kay went riding with us more than any of the other wives. are more pics of the shed. Actually the first one is of a Hawk that I first saw by the pool. Then it flew up to the fence before we could get the camera going. There weren't any other birds around as usual, wonder why? It was about 8" sitting up. Had a 3' wing span.

Linda leaves me again tomorrow to go on a Disney Cruise for a week. Wish me good luck....