Thursday, March 6, 2008

Head Banger Replaced

Thanks to a very good friends, Ken and Kay Simmons, I have a new shed in the back yard. It is 6" narrower, but 3' longer and 3' higher. The door is 48" wide and 72" tall. Plenty wide to get a big bike in it. Or store 2-4 bikes. I has a wood floor and is more leak proof. Less dust and rain should get in. The old shed leaked rain in down-pours and everything was always dirty after dust-storms. It has a good lock and ramp. Thank you Ken and Kay. It is well appreciated.

But to get the shed, many of us lost great friends. They moved to San Antonio to be closer to family. Their daughter is a nurse. He was a consistent rider on our Thursday and Saturday bike rides. Kay went riding with us more than any of the other wives. are more pics of the shed. Actually the first one is of a Hawk that I first saw by the pool. Then it flew up to the fence before we could get the camera going. There weren't any other birds around as usual, wonder why? It was about 8" sitting up. Had a 3' wing span.

Linda leaves me again tomorrow to go on a Disney Cruise for a week. Wish me good luck....

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