Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm good

I can fix 90% of most broken things. My philosophy is: "If it is broken and you fix it, your ahead. If it is broken and you can't fix it, no loss" I've saved at least $100,000 doing things myself. That indirectly goes into the bank, not in someone else's pocket.
I don't feel sorry, if you don't even try. "But what if I make it worse?" I've heard so many, too many times. It's broke, what you got to lose?
You know how many things there are in this house, broken? ZERO. If I can't fix it it goes in the garbage. Threw out a 25+ year timer today. I tried.
That goes for replacing it. If it is necessary, I buy another, but I hate retail prices. Ebay has saved me $2-4000. 182 items bought so far. And you have to know pricing. The cruise control on the RV keeps accelerating, not safe. I tried 3 times to fix it. It's gone now. So onto Ebay. Found another used one for $3 MORE than a new one. BS.
So what did I do? I put in a manual one that holds the throttle steady. $10. AND it saves gas because a normal "hold the same speed" cruise control wastes gas in hilly country. Where do we live? Not out on the Permian Basin or the flat lands of the Midwest.
Today a friend came by. His EGR, A/C was not working, plus his wife was getting headaches. He described the problem. We hooked up a diagnostic tester I had ($100) and a vacuum gauge. The code readout said the EGR was not getting sufficient vacuum. The vacuum gauge confirmed it. Traced it down to a a melted vacuum line running against the hot exhaust. In 1/2 hr. it was fixed. Friend was amazed I did it so fast. He's suppose to buy us lunch next week. I'll remind him.
HONEY DO's, what are those? Rarely does Linda ask me to fix something. Oh, today he brought me a heart shaped "do-ma-thingy". It had a broken leg.
Get out there and fix something now!!!
But sometimes I get tired of hearing "Chuck, would you please (you finish the sentence)".
Pic: Oh! ya! She does not need any fixing...........................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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