Linda's mother, Mildred, is in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. After 50 years of smoking unfiltered cigarettes, at 81, she had a 2cm (2/3") stage 2 benign tumor removed. They took out 20% of one lung. She is/was very active and that has prolonged her life as well as stop smoking 10 years ago.
That leads me into the title. Her recovery is going slower that anticipated but she is improving faster now. The 4 of us in El Paso have cancelled our family reunion cruise. The rest are still going to the Mexican Riviera for a week. We won't be seeing our offspring this winter. Linda and Helen can not leave their mother.
I've finished up all the projects on the RV. About the time Mildred should be well enough to care for herself in late Dec. Linda starts federal jury duty in Jan. If she has to call in daily we won't be able to get out in the RV then either. Could be Feb for the next time. Really boring for me. I was so bored today I went for a bike ride. The Sat. riding group is almost dead. Most are too busy or just quit coming. Down to 4-6 guys.
Hoping small RV sells soon. I had to send my daughter money to buy another car after her beloved RSX was totalled when a stupid idiot in a SUV (I hate them and their drivers, especially when the 10 passenger vehicles have 1 person in them!!!) pulled out in front of her. Yes I drive a gas hog, but only on trips when both of us are in it, we actually live in it, pulling a bike, actually going somewhere, driving slow; not to a soccer game alone when a compact car would do!
I may not be posting much until there's more to say.
1 comment:
It was not benign
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