I met with my Investment counselor today. He is 35 years old and runs the El Paso office single handed. He is really busy handling 400 accounts. There are several thousand in El Paso he could call on. They closed their office here 5 years and until he took it back, many people were really tick at this company with no one to talk to. He has more than made up for it. They may expand his office this year. I hope.
Today at lunch he knew more than I did about my own money. I had several thousand I had not reinvested, suggested I get back into the market. CD's are paying 1-2% which really sucks. Most Bonds are only paying 2-3%. The stock market looks like it is coming back after 18 or so months. So maybe on a conservative scale I will start reinvesting some.
We talked about family too. He has a 20 month old boy. I was able to give him some incites into what to expect in the next 20 years as a parent. Many things he had never though of as: a single child may not be as social as multiple siblings, losing both parents later in life can be devastating, expenses he could expect, and when they leave home, what a relief financially! But they never get out of your pocket until your dead, and then they get what we have left over. We love you kids but don't come back......
When you least expect it,it hits you in the face&^%#!%&(*), get it? See pic
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