Linda needed a couple of days to relax. She's been with her mother 5 weeks every day. I loaded up the RV. The small one's gone. Only forgot a few things. We left Friday about Noon and went to Columbus NM, Pancho Villa State Park. We were going to Carlsbad but the winds (head) were not favorable, so we went with them in the opposite direction. I drove slow both ways. We lucked out Got 10.9 mph, gas!!! Take that again Diesels.
Sat we did go to Deming to Wal-mart to buy second electric heater on the bike in 20 mph
crosswinds and mid-high 40's. Our small one electric heater would not keep this RV warm and the Propane heater came on several times Fri. night. With a second one we did not use Propane except after the main circuit breaker blew after turning both on full heat. Too many amps. But in the AM with both heaters at reduced heat and 28 F. we had to start up the furnace again. The outside water line was frozen too.
The other thing I forgot, actually I did not know we needed, was silverware. 6 place setting for $10! Made you know where.
Deming has the St. Claire Winery. We popped a cork on a bottle of Blue Teal White Merlow we bought about 5 weeks earlier. It was surprisingly sweet. Had to have some more. It was 20% off so we bought 3 bottles, wine crackers and Jalapeno Orange Jelly.
Linda's back was bothering her so we did get into a second bottle.
We watched more "Outer Limits" episodes. Why did we think they were so good in the 60's? They are definitely outdated by today's standards. All Black and White too. The acting is TV terrible. The plots are trite. Went to bed about 8 pm both nights.
I kept waking up thinking about to heaters. The electric blanket was too hot and Linda kept stealing my side of the blanket all night. Then I would get cold. I never sleep as good as at home and Linda sleeps better away from home.
Was back home by 1:00 pm Sunday. Got a few things to work on. Gray water tank drain is mostly plugged and we have a new small high pressure water leak in a very concealed place.
1 comment:
Dear, you didn't mention the lack of water pressure in the kitchen sink after we hooked up and how you ran in and out of the RV tryig to fix it. How come?
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