Yesterday Linda's mother car, a GM product, a 2000 Lumina, had the check engine light on. I think you all know what I think of GM "junk" products....
We brought it back to our house. I put a OBD II code reader on it. 2 codes came up. One was the EGR valve was not functioning. The 2nd was more important, it was the temperature gauge was none functioning also. I'm more knowledgeable than most on cars. If the temperature is not high enough the EGR won't function too. These 2 will turn on the Check Engine Light.
I hate working on cars anymore. The engines are in so tight and so many of the parts to be replaced you have to remove several other parts to get to them. Then these other parts get destroyed leading to more problems. And this was the case on the coolant temperature sensor that was bad after just 73k miles/10 years.
The OBD II code reader was $100. I've used it on 4? cars now. Shops charge about$50 to read the codes. So I'm now about $50 ahead.
It's a license to steal if you don't have one. Take it to a shop and say " The Check Engine Light is On, fix what's wrong" and they will soak you. Take it to a shop and say " replace the coolant temperature sensor only" and that's all they will can do.
It was $150 including a oil change. I figured at our local Firestone service center it would be $2-300!
I've been doing this type of thing for 45 years. I try to do all my own work. I don't do transmissions, roofs, floors, engine overhauls, etc. anymore. I'm sure it have saved me $100k by now.
I bought a Honda Accord Jan 07. To date it has been in the shop "0" (ZERO!) times. It has needed oil changes and tire rotations only. Why would I work on someone else's car when I don't want to work on my own car? Also there's not enough Thank You's or money (I don't need) for the time spent, cussing, busted knuckles, hurt shoulders and back leaning over. Wrong parts at the auto parts counter is another bitch I have. And there's always the potential for a accident or doing it wrong and having to start over...
Advice I will give... I will show you how to do it. I'm a good teacher/supervisor.
But working on the big A** RV is another thing, go figure....
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