I slept better so today....
A loose wire on the wind direction indicator fixed it.
Went to Pepboys and found valve stems for the brown Suzuki that went right in and remounted the tire easily. Got a spare stem now. No leak, I hope, now.
Found a screwdriver in Lowell's black Suzuki's carb holding the throttle open. 45 minutes later I had it out in the driveway, put it in gear, let out the clutch and it didn't move. The clutch is gone now. Luckily it's here and not at his house. Ordered parts today. That's Rudy's Suzuki but is exactly like Lowell's.
Figured out a different way to hook up the "lights on buzzer" on the RV. The second fuse box is under the dash but in a bad place so I moved it. It was mounted with 3" long screws, idiots, 3/4" would have been long enough.
We got in 4 boxes of things ordered, shipped via FedEx and USPS today. No MLK day.
My ScanGauge I ordered arrived. Got it for $131 vs. $160 retail at most places but did not come in a box, I would have thrown away anyways. It has about 40 functions to read the RV and car's computer and gives mpg/mph/rpm/$per mile and much more. It is my birthday present from Linda.
My Credit Card bill was $25 less than I thought.
I got a $10 rebate check today.
It was 62 outside, no jacket needed.
No one tailgated me today, life's WONDERFUL....
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