Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Not all about bikes

Linda and I have for 4 weeks been trying to go to the Tuesday events at McDonald Observatory near Fort Davis. The weather was finally not too cold, hot or windy or had some other committment. We left almost an hour later than we should, had to get a coat for Linda at her Mom's & needed gas. At almost 80 mph the entire way we made it in 2 1/2 hours. 200 miles. Was in the high 50's to 60's. Fun fast ride on the BMW. With cruise control and enough room it is a good bike. We got there just in time to get some food and for the first showing (description of the entire facility) and tour of 2 of the 3 large telescopes. They are on Central time so we had to watch our time closely all day.

We waited 1 1/2 hrs. till the next outdoor activity describing the solar system and then back into the auditorium on a demonstration of their new software on the Universe. Was so cool Linda bought it $160. Can't wait to try it and show it to Wes, Tori and the other Geeks.

The last show at 8:30, luckily 7:30 our time, they sat up several telescopes so we could see the Moon, Jupiter, a nebula, and a star cluster. Also had a 10 minute movie on powers of ten showing the Universe and then down to the smallest particle.

Well the trip home at 9:00 our time was a lot different. Was in the low 50's and very dark. I had put on 2 more driving lights re aimed the bright light and a higher wattage low beam. I had enough light but it got down into the low 40's in the mountains. The roads for the first 20 miles are very curvy and slow, not easy 2 up riding, on a bike at night. We were watching for Deer but only almost ran over several jack rabbits.

Linda's coat was not windproof so we switched about 40 miles down the road. Then I was cold too. Never got over 59 and most of the time it was in the high 40's to low 50's, at 70 mph that's a heck of a windchill. Got home a Midnight and was hyperthermic, shivering a lot.

Bike ran good but needs more wind protection. Need to take more warmer clothes next time.

But we had a great time. Took 3 hours to get home. Slept in today. All 4 shows for both of us was only $40. But with gas, food and the software spent $260!

1 comment:

Wesley said...

You should have rolled up the windows and put the heat on.