Sunday, June 8, 2008

Saturday wild ride

We went to Columbus, there was 7 of us. It's a fast ride, 60 miles of straight roads with only a dozen curves so we make it in usually less than 1 hour so.... It was hot returning about 100 degrees. We went over TransMtn on the return.
Going up the mtn. I had a tailgater as usual so as soon as it went from 2 lanes to 4 I gassed it and went around several bikes and cars, it did not have it's usual power. I turned off the throttle and it was still going fast climbing.
I crescented the top and know something was way wrong when with the throttle off, it wanted to go 140 mph down hill. I shut off the engine with the emergency switch and coasted down the NE side to the picnic area before the last sweeping turn.

I restarted the engine and it immediately revved to max rpm. Taking the tank off and tops of the carbs revealed nothing. I made several calls and no one answered.

Finally Mike Portillo did answer, he was just finishing a project. He got there is 45 minutes, very fast. It took 4 of us to load and unload the 600# bike onto the back of his 4 x 4 pickup, very tall bed.

I took the carbs off the bike and a locking nut on the throttle cable was loose, jamming the throttle open a 1/4" inch.

It would have been a wild ride home, if it had happen further away from home. Luckily we took TransMtn., were under a shaded picnic area, closer to home.

Easy fix, all is is well.

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