Friday, January 9, 2009

More about my Venture

Before the ride Thursday I wanted to fix the 2 small oil leaks. 2 covers had to come off. After replacing the gaskets I poured the same oil back in since it only had less than 75 miles on it. Towards the end I noticed a lot of specks/flakes of metal in the bottom of the oil pan. OH NO!

For 2 days I could not get out on it with the plumbers here replacing the toilet. Which could save 20 gallons of water a day, 600 a month, 7200 per year. Didn't sleep good thinking what had I done wrong?

Thursday I did ride it to Sierra Blanca, 40's when I left at 9 am, mid 60's upon arrival home at 1pm. Got 47.5 mpg, very good for cooler weather. I drained the entire oil and replaced the filter. Very few specks. Most were aluminum, a few steel. A friend from Indianapolis thinks it could be residual from the original build in 1983 that were in spots were the oil does not drain from. I hope he's right. So far no grinding, bearing noises, actually the engine is quieter.

The low speed cold stumble/lack of power is gone, it is riding better (wandered bad when I got it) and handles better too.

It hurts my back the least, is extremely comfortable, and smoothest bike I ever had.

I fixed as many parts as I could for longevity so Linda and I can go on long trips. Look out Texas and New Mexico!
Look at the pic closely, the 2 half split washers on the right have a small wear indentation around the inside diameter. When this wears down about .030-.040" 2nd gear goes out. 40 hours to replace them! At the dealer it would cost over $3000. One dealer here charges $140 hour for bikes over 10 years old. That would be $5500!!! plus parts.
Some riders wait too long and it's over $750 just in other parts that get damaged. Mine all looked nearly new. I spent $200. Some just ride without the most fun gear, 2nd.

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