Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Money pits such as airplanes, boats, garage queens, extra motorcycles, swimming pools, RV's and long distance hobbies never have a payback. I know I had them all.
But what the hay, we gotta waste money on something. Ya, you do too. Why work if you can't spend part of it on what you like, then learn to hate it (especially pools).
These have money savings, sometimes. Take the RV for instance. We've spent $408 on things to get better gas mileage on it. IF we keep it, If it will get 16.5-17 mpg the payback is 15-18k miles. At $2.5 a gallon. But IF gas goes up, the savings will be faster! (Oh forget gas will be more).
So far spent $5800 on the RV. IF we use it, IF we stay at campgrounds, IF we don't eat out, it will save us versus driving a car on trips. The Accord costs $.50/mi. to drive due to depreciation and gets 27 mpg. But the RV costs only $.35/mi. and gets 15-16 MAYBE 17 mpg. The difference is depreciation, RV will only be $2-4k, not like the $25k on the car.
Car traveling means gas plus motels plus eating out. Flying and renting a car even more. The RV is gas, RV parks at half or less than a cheap motel, and eating out, and that can be $20-50 per person per day. Let's not forget which is better for you, eating too much poorly prepared OUT or eating correctly IN (and we can BBQ!).
Then there's, we'll take that trip next year... in the car and we never do. Or there's, we gotta use that damn expensive toy sitting in the driveway. And we will, MAYBE?
And then there's getting in trouble like in the pic.

1 comment:

LMRFrench said...

And then there is the CHEAP hotel's beds vs sleeping in your own bed.