Friday, July 31, 2009

Just when I thought...

I might run out of projects on the RV I found a web site on "Hypermileing" Never heard of that? Hyper means in excess, Mileing, you know like Miles Per gallon. Of Course!
People, more like fanatics, get up to 90 miles per gal. on regular cars, but with a few "RADICAL" modifications. Like you wouldn't even recognize the car after they make the outside look like it was born in a wind tunnel. Nothing is left untouched, including gutted interiors, changed engines, & drive trains, windows, and are so low they never dare go over a speed bump. 65 changes possible.
And then there's driving techniques.
They shut off the engine on declines, stoplights, never idle, put on egg on top of the accelerator, have many fuel instruments, go shopping ONCE a month, use every known MPG improver made to man (most don't work). 108 techniques listed.
Me? I'm going to do the ones that are relatively inexpensive, really work, will work on our BOX (the RV), have a reasonable payback and Linda won't yell TOO much at me about.
But then we have gone from 14.1 to 16.5 mpg, a 14.5% improvement. Spent just over $400. Payback is 15k miles and we have plans for 40k miles in trips so...
The best one so far is having more power (dual exhaust) to make it up some of the steeper hills around here ABOVE 40 mph.
Got a list of 20 more projects from this website.... That'll keep me busy for a couple more weeks.
Mesas on Mars (in blue).

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