Sunday, September 30, 2007


Linda and I took the BMW touring bike to Las Cruces to the Enchilada Festival today. It's running good now. Not leaking oil from the final drive gear box anymore right now, maybe. We also used the intercom except for Linda's mic falling out several times it's really nice to communicate. Another set of eyes watching traffic I really appreciate especially in EP.

The best part of our day was getting there and back. The Festival is less than 1/2 of what it used to be and is now in the very large park near where Wes and Kim lived in LC before they moved to that cold place up North.

I came back and fixed her Intercom, and the wires to mine were too short. Had to take the seat off for the 3 time and proceeded to lose screws, hardware and tools in the process. This bike is a couple of #'s lighter now. I have a small bag of leftovers. Tomorrow I will do a couple more minor fixes. I may have to keep it. No takers so far. The more I fix it the better I like it. Now if I could get about 200 #'s off the top of it, I would really like it. It's scary at anything under 10 mph. 837# plus Linda and I make it over 1200. It's got the best Brembo brakes, Thank GOD!

At anything over 40 it's very easy to drive.

Still hit 91 today, but isolated showers until Wed. We want to take it the the Davis Mtns. to McDonald Observatory. We will be coming back at night. Tuesday they have a evening observation for families starting at 7:30.

Linda and I have not killed each other YET. She just finished her 3rd month of retirement. Actually we are doing better. Not enough to do or bitch about.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Here's the list of NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!

Get on a plane. (Got a list of 20 reasons) Waste money on K-Mart junk or even go shopping there. Buy things without Linda's input. Buy BMW motorcycles. Buy GM products (or American Engineered for that matter). Work on cars (what a pain!). Take synthetic pharmaceuticals. (ie. Statins). Avoid lazy people. (Very hard to do) No more pets or non-family live with us. Do Not visit family for more than a week, (they can't stand me either). Avoid poor drivers (impossible in EP). Not putting things away immediately, like many of my friends who can't find stuff. Do write down borrowings and do bitch at them for not returning my stuff. Stop helping outsiders who don't like paying for your help, when contracted even verbally.

Always say NO if you don't want to help or can't do something. Never help friends move from one house to another. (One time we did it after a Al-Auburn game in total darkness.) "Boy my shoulders hurt too much to do that", now.

Maybe I should write down the things I do like to do? Be with Linda, cuddling, holding hands, motorcycle riding, working on bikes, yep that's it, no more, no less. The END.
Oh ya, my once best friend in the picture above cut me off totally after he married his 2nd cousin. Friends come and go but family is best (and never go away, dang!)

My List Of Never Do That Again Keeps Growing!

Yesterday I helped my bike rebuilding buddy(Howard) ship out a mid 90's BMW via Forward Air. What a pain. Buy tiedowns, 2 Combo Locks, wait 2 weeks while they get a cargo metal box sent to EP. Take all fluids out, disconnect battery. Connect up trailer to truck. Load bike and all parts. Take to Air freight near airport. Get there, unload bike. Push up 20 foot steep ramp. Check bike won't go in box. Cargo Box very short. Bitch at Air frieght people. Take bike back home. Get lunch and try to cool down. In the 90's and high humidity yesterday. Take bike off trailer. Take Fairing and tallest parts off bike, put several parts in boxes. (I cut wires, I never told Howard because it would take another 1/2 hour). Reload bike 3rd time. Take back to airport. Push up ramp, workers never helped, but were good supervisors. Load bike in cargo box only 3 1/2 foot tall. Strap down, put all parts boxes in cargo box, next to bike. I did 75% of the work! Otherwise we would have been there another hour. Close badly bent doors, try to lock but clasps bent too. Yell at Howard "let's go quit BS'ing"
Thank them (for not helping jerks). Go home 5 hours later. Take shower because I'm totally sweaty and badly dehydrated. SAY to Howard " YOU OWE ME BIG TIME"
Moral is " DON'T do that again" Opposite of picture above.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Did something different

Benny, Erdene and I went to the El Paso Rodeo last Thursday. Erdene is very quiet and still only speaks a few words of English. Benny has friends who have hay eating animals, so he can ride an American Hay Burner. Erdene and Ganbold (his dad) only have 50 horses.

Took a few friends to the Metropolis of Dell City Sat. We drove about 20 miles north of this town of <1000>
Today Mark Albertson brought his Suzuki 1100 by he bought from me. The one in the picture above. He was only getting 35 mpg, my 2 get 46 & 48. We fully serviced it and found a few things it needed bad. He sold his car to buy this bike and drives it 35 miles each way to work. He teaches journalism and ? at Tornillo High School. Wait til winter when it's really cold, even here it can be in the low 20's at daybreak. Ran really good when he left.
Waiting for it to cool down into the 60-70's before I paint the outside, laundry room and garage. Still near 90 and humidity (30-50%) high for here this time of year.
Well I have to go back to retirement now.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Got it running finally

Yes my incredibly expensive, unreliable, over weight, hard to work on Beemer is running at last almost maybe without a problem. On my Suzuki 1100's it would have taken less than a hour to change to broken throttle cable. They wanted $188 from a BMW dealer. Found one on Ebay for $31. It took 8 hours on the Beemer! But in that time I check the air filter (under the gas tank-stupid place) and fixed the speedometer that was 10% too fast. Yes 80 mph was really only 72, 60 was 54, etc. Way off! Tomorrow Charlie Card and I are going for the third test run. Please pray, cross your fingers, knock on wood and break a leg when I go this time. I did make it 120 miles with only minor problems last time.

I went & got a free Prostate exam today. That's another wonderful delight. "Drop your drawers, bend over and wowwwww up the......."

Still in the 90's, my hay fever is acting up, in the middle of Sept. still!

Linda bought me a Larry the Cable Guy CD, extremely funny and the darkest chocolate double dip cone from B-R's. I was in heaven!

We're on a health kick, I still don't take any meds yet, except for Faxseed oil, St. John's Wort, Ginseng and 2-3 others. OH maybe these are meds in a way but better than prescription crap, hell of a lot less expensive. These don't kill your liver to help your heart like Statins (Lipator)

Where's my comments?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Same ole

Really nothing new. Weathers been crappy since last Sat. Lots of clouds since Henrietta went thru.

I've gone back to helping Howard rebuild bikes or getting his, he has not ridden enough lately running better. He has cleaned up his garage so now we don't have to trip over stuff just to move around. He has sold over $2000 worth of parts just laying around on Ebay. There is a floor in his garage now. He could sell some of his 5-8 bikes depending on how you count parts. His BMW M3 sports car is on it's third plastic rear window from sitting outside.

I've had no projects for 2-3 weeks so I started looking into my BMW M/C problems trying to figure out how to do them cheaper. The 6 CD player skips so bad I usually just shut it off. I found a fix on the internet of just changing out some long screws for some very short ones, that's suppose to fix it. May go out today for a ride on it to find out if it is better. I went down to a local bearing supply and found out the bearings I bought from BMW at $155 I could have gotten for $65. If I keep it I will buy a spare.

I've gotten 4 hits on selling it, but no lookers. The ABS lights are flashing (could be $1900) I think is chasing everyone off. I'm about to disconnect the ABS so they don't flash and not mention it at all. Only time you need it is wet or on grease/oil.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Bored lately

I have no projects right now and it has been too hot to do garage and outside painting. The stone fence needs more cement in places that's washed out.

Trying to sell my BMW. It's a lot like the '81 Goldwing we had. Too slow, too big, too heavy, too expensive to work on, too hard to work on. The air cleaner and throttle cable need replacing, it will take 4-8 hours to do, the cable is $50 and air cleaner $40. There's no dealers near, closiest is Albq. and Tucson. The ABS needs checking, to clear the codes with only a scanner available at the dealers.

Still riding Sat's but never no new place to go. Leaving at 8 am is too late for some, too early for others so I schedule as I Want, When, Where, Eat What, & Distance going, etc. Too many old fogies and opinions!?#%.

Jerk down the street spent 1.5 hours revving his engine today, what an idiot! Yes he did: waste gas, wear his engine out faster and pollute! Turned on the stereo real loud.....

Next door they are still working on the house. New A/C $13000, Enclosed the garage, $15000, New wood shed $8000, New tile roof $12000 and now they're digging up the front yard, bet the cement truck crushed the sewer pipe. Locals are soooooo duuummmmbbb.

Never let heavy trucks run over your driveway or lawn......