Thursday, September 27, 2007

My List Of Never Do That Again Keeps Growing!

Yesterday I helped my bike rebuilding buddy(Howard) ship out a mid 90's BMW via Forward Air. What a pain. Buy tiedowns, 2 Combo Locks, wait 2 weeks while they get a cargo metal box sent to EP. Take all fluids out, disconnect battery. Connect up trailer to truck. Load bike and all parts. Take to Air freight near airport. Get there, unload bike. Push up 20 foot steep ramp. Check bike won't go in box. Cargo Box very short. Bitch at Air frieght people. Take bike back home. Get lunch and try to cool down. In the 90's and high humidity yesterday. Take bike off trailer. Take Fairing and tallest parts off bike, put several parts in boxes. (I cut wires, I never told Howard because it would take another 1/2 hour). Reload bike 3rd time. Take back to airport. Push up ramp, workers never helped, but were good supervisors. Load bike in cargo box only 3 1/2 foot tall. Strap down, put all parts boxes in cargo box, next to bike. I did 75% of the work! Otherwise we would have been there another hour. Close badly bent doors, try to lock but clasps bent too. Yell at Howard "let's go quit BS'ing"
Thank them (for not helping jerks). Go home 5 hours later. Take shower because I'm totally sweaty and badly dehydrated. SAY to Howard " YOU OWE ME BIG TIME"
Moral is " DON'T do that again" Opposite of picture above.

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