Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Got it running finally

Yes my incredibly expensive, unreliable, over weight, hard to work on Beemer is running at last almost maybe without a problem. On my Suzuki 1100's it would have taken less than a hour to change to broken throttle cable. They wanted $188 from a BMW dealer. Found one on Ebay for $31. It took 8 hours on the Beemer! But in that time I check the air filter (under the gas tank-stupid place) and fixed the speedometer that was 10% too fast. Yes 80 mph was really only 72, 60 was 54, etc. Way off! Tomorrow Charlie Card and I are going for the third test run. Please pray, cross your fingers, knock on wood and break a leg when I go this time. I did make it 120 miles with only minor problems last time.

I went & got a free Prostate exam today. That's another wonderful delight. "Drop your drawers, bend over and wowwwww up the......."

Still in the 90's, my hay fever is acting up, in the middle of Sept. still!

Linda bought me a Larry the Cable Guy CD, extremely funny and the darkest chocolate double dip cone from B-R's. I was in heaven!

We're on a health kick, I still don't take any meds yet, except for Faxseed oil, St. John's Wort, Ginseng and 2-3 others. OH maybe these are meds in a way but better than prescription crap, hell of a lot less expensive. These don't kill your liver to help your heart like Statins (Lipator)

Where's my comments?

1 comment:

Wesley said...

Well the BMW is pretty, at least from the pictures.

If you are on a health kick you should try green tea. It has something to do with freeing radicals, which sounds like a bad idea, but turns out okay.