Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mr. Mod (short for modification)

My younger sister came 2 winters ago to visit for a week. As I would do, being the perfect male, show her some of the things I do. Her comment was "do you have/buy anything you don't modify in some way?" My answer " probably not" I usually buy things but they aren't exactly like I want, so I adapt, change, or make it the way I want to.
Many times I dream up a project then have to go to Lowes or HomeDepot to find the materials I need. Most times I keep enough old scrap metal, plastic or junk around to make what I want. I've gotten pretty good at making brackets to hold gauges.
I put in 6 different LEDs in the dash of the Venture. Had to find a place visible place and enough room in the back for the wires, they tie in to the switches to turn on 2 sets of lights, the radio and radiator fan, so I know for sure they are on.
Made an alarm for the Venture that goes off when the bike is pulled off the side stand to drive(steal) it. Cost $0.
The Venture now has about a hundred changes to make it the way I like. Almost all are hidden to keep it looking stock. Except the ones in the pic above.
If there is a problem around the house I look for a way to fix it. That was my job at the box plants as the Quality Manager. Also as an Industrial Engineer we looked at resolving material handling problems. In safety meetings we looked for better safer ways of helping people from getting hurt.
KISS. Keep it safe/simple/cheap silly! I have to time to do these now.

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