Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19th Who's Birthday?

We went to dinner again, it's her season. Greek food was good. Finally a good restuarant on the east side. Thanks to my younger sister who gave me the idea for Linda's Earings. Happy Birthday dear!

Worked on Undarmaa's Saturn. We replaced the radiator, thermostat, water pump, and radiator cap. There's nothing else to replace except the engine! It still overheats. It is 102 outside.

Ready to go to Garland and Springfield. All packed and bike is prep'ed. Got 2 sets of saddle bags full. Tori's got plenty of work for me. Dorothy and I have plans for the 8 days I will be there. Bike trips, boating, Wes and Kim are coming, Matt should be coming, Lincoln play and....

Been trying to relax more, did not feel good Sat. About once a month I feel physically down. Part of it is the heat and not drinking enough water. I'm sodium deficiant too.

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