Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday the 15th!

Went to class, a new instructor let 2 students run their mouths off for an hour of our 2 hour class. I got pissed in my anger management class! I told her to stop and let's go on. Several other students nodded their head in agreement! I called the director to get this stopped or I would drop their class.

Went to EPEC to sign Linda's retirement papers. I had to buy LUNCH! My wife loves me so much....

It's 102 today hottest day so far. Engine on my bike was overheating. At a 3 stop light wait, I shut the engine off. The Pool is really green now.

Playing (hate that W word) on my wind direction indicator. It's turned so many times in 2 1/2 years since I put it on the roof it wore out the contacts, but only $4 at Radio Shack.

Have got 4 estimates on the roof. I called one that seemed reasonable but I think they left out many items we need. They probably won't get to it until Aug -Sept.

Yesterday 5 guys including myself were suppose to go riding. I was the only one who did show up, screw them, so I went by myself to Hatch, Deming, Columbus; 275 miles and got 53 mpg!

How's your week going?

1 comment:

Wesley said...

Next time you are in Hatch overnight us some green chilis eh?
And by the way 102 is awfully hot.

Happy Fathers Day.