Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bla, Bla, Blog

Since I haven't heard from my offspring in weeks, I thought a HELLO from me might get some action. You'll be here in a few weeks so I guess it's "OK" to not say anything.

This was our least celebrated Thanksgiving ever. We took prepared plastic dishes to the hospital with Turkey and most of the other stuffing's. No one even thought of saying a blessing.

Friday Linda did what's she's been doing for weeks, caring (good thing) for Mildred. I worked all day on a friend's bike and Sat. we did it again. Sunday was probably the same, can't remember it was more than 20 minutes ago.

It has been warm here, low 60's to low 70's so I can ride but windy. If I stop for a break it's for a very short time because it's warmer riding behind the windshield than standing in the wind.

Soon I will be tearing my Yamaha Venture down to fix 2nd gear that goes out before 50,000 miles. Much cheaper now than replacing many gears, seals, etc. later. It has only 19500 miles now. Wes said he would help, right son? The guy I helped last weekend is going to help me but at different times. Just found out I order 1 part short, $6, but is $16 shipping! May wait to find out if I want/need something when I take it down.
That's my brother in law (without the hat). He and my 2 sisters are off on a Panama Canal ship tour for 2 weeks.

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