Sunday, February 17, 2008

California Trip

Left last Sunday, got there, 700 miles, in 10 hours. Returned on Sat., took 11 hours but we stopped for lunch. Averaging 70 mph going and 63 returning is good. Most speed limits are 70-75, so going 80 is easy. Saw very few cops. The Honda Accord runs great and a little better with 12,000 miles on it now. Need to work on the hard seats.

Well for the reason we went. To help Carolyn with her 2nd knee replacement. It is a female joint, didn't know there was a difference. She is walking a fair amount, but her strength limits how much she can do. Hope she can get off the pain medication soon. Saw Dorothy and Jim, but Dorothy left before Jim came, so Linda and I helped mostly with the transition.

Driving is a pain, too far, too much traffic, must have past several hundred semi's. They far out number the private vehicles. We left a day later then we wanted to, due to rain from Blythe to El Paso Friday. Had a tail wind going both directions and car got 29.7 mpg!

Had many very good meals and of course ate too much.

Got back and I had to go riding today and work on bikes. NO PLACE LIKE HOME!

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