Thursday, February 28, 2008

I was right!

Wed and Thur. were better.

Found just a blown fuse on the BMW radio.

Investor called back finally, talked for on hour about the market, rates, fees, investing. He was right but I was righter. Why keep money where the principle is declining and rates are not competitive? The stock market and economy are in a recession. I've sold everything and what is invested is going up, NOT down.

Went for a ride to Sierra Blanca, but before leaving found I had a flat on the Yamaha. One of my own Allen wrenches was sticking out. Charlie Card helped me fix it.

The BMW, was missing the inspection sticker so I could not take it either, back to the dealer tomorrow. Tomorrow the shed gets moved also.

Weather almost 80 today, and through the weekend. We are healthy but can't hardly sleep without pills. At least we aren't doing the "W" thing.

Yes, things are better.
Photo is open pit AZ mine.

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