Saturday, January 5, 2008

Holidays Over, Back to Work, URRR, Play

Thank for coming, you are all special. Thanks Wes for playing with me in the garage. I loved it! Wish you were here so we could play anything other than with computers! Parts should be in next Friday so I can put the BMW fully back together. Did about 6 major projects while it was apart this time. Even made the turn signal light stay on all the time, except when they are set to flash.

2 times this week it was in the 60's. Rode to Sierra Blanca both times. Met another couple that want to join our riding group today. We lose 1 and gain 1 every month.

Back to helping Howard rebuild bikes, how novel! But I did help Benny twice this week work on his house. I ask them to buy me lunches when we go riding. I get free food, they get cheap labor.

Linda is sick, hope it nothing more than her allergies, to me sounds worse.

Man, retirement is tuff. Got asked what I do today, Said I'm a professional "BUM".

Stay warm, healthy, wise and you know...

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